Thursday, April 2, 2020

Use Write a Narrative Essay With Your Best Friend

Use 'Write a Narrative Essay' With Your Best Friend'Write a Narrative Essay' is a great essay idea for a student who has a best friend who is suffering from cancer. It can also be a topic to introduce the friends' marriage and/or other life experiences. This will make it easier for students to relate the story of the friendships, as it comes directly from their own perspective.The best friend is the first person a student will discuss with. It is important that the student respects her and doesn't try to get close to her because they are close, which may cause problems. That is why students should remember that friends do not just have good times together.The most effective way to make this essay work is to write a story about what happened between the best friend and her best friend who was diagnosed with cancer. Keep in mind that when you come up with an appropriate scenario, you need to talk to your friend about what she is feeling.Her response to you will be more than enough moti vation to write your story, because you will be able to understand her thoughts. If you know the friend well, then this should not be a problem at all.Another advantage to writing a story with the friend is that it could open up topics that you haven't thought of. The best story you can write about her would probably be something that makes you laugh because you never expected it. Make sure you pick something that she likes, so you can write a hilarious story that is too funny for your friends.Writing a story about a best friend's friend who is battling cancer, will only make the essay more unique, if it is done correctly. To do this, you have to talk to the person who is coping with the disease as much as you are.Then you can also put your friendship into perspective. Tell your friend about all the sacrifices your friend is making to keep her memory alive. Tell her that she is a remarkable person, who has made a huge difference in the lives of others.Be creative when writing your e ssay, and make it as creative as possible, as a good word or phrase can really add to the effectiveness of your essay. Remember that your best friend has the same interest as you do, and is an interesting character that would make your essay work.

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